Creativity, Action, Service

Creativity, Action, Service
An Overview

The following has been taken from the IB Diploma Programme and gives a brief overview of this aspect of the programme.

"The CAS requirement is a fundamental part of the programme and takes seriously the importance of life outside the world of scholarship, providing a refreshing counterbalance to academic studies.

CAS aims to develop students who are:
reflective thinkers—they understand their own strengths and limitations, identify goals and devise strategies for personal growth
willing to accept new challenges and new roles
aware of themselves as members of communities with responsibilities towards each other and the environment
active participants in sustained, collaborative projects
balanced—they enjoy and find significance in a range of activities involving intellectual, physical, creative and emotional experiences.

Creativity, Action, Service:
Creativity is interpreted broadly to include a wide range of activities that involve creative thinking. Creativity provides students with the opportunity to explore their own sense of original thinking and expression.
Action is focussed on getting involved in physical exertion that contributes to a healthy lifestyle. The aim of Action is to promote lifelong healthy habits related to physical well-being.
Service requires students to understand their capacity to make a meaningful contribution to their community and society. Through Service, students develop and apply personal and social skills in real-life situations involving decision-making, problem solving, initiative, responsibility, and accountability for their actions.

Each school appoints a CAS supervisor who is responsible for assisting students in implementing and developing their personal CAS programmes. A good CAS programme should be both challenging and enjoyable, a personal journey of self discovery. Students are expected to be involved in CAS activities each week during the two years of the Diploma programme and are encouraged to reflect on their CAS activities on a regular basis. "

At the Baton Rouge International School, all IB Diploma Programme Year 1 students (11th grade) are taking part in creativity, action and service. Actually, this blog is a product of a CAS activity initiated by 5 of these students. You will be able to follow all CAS projects of these students by accessing the "Creativity Action Service" page on the left side of the blog.

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