Tuesday, November 18, 2014

SL Geography

Inequalities in Atlanta and New Orleans

Hey Everyone!

     Today in geography, we have been learning about Gini Coefficients: a measurement of the income distribution of a country's residents. We learned that Atlanta and New Orleans are the top two most unequal cities in the United States! If any of you have read our "Who Are We?" page, you would know why this topic hit close to home. We learned that Atlanta has a Gini Coefficient similar to Haiti - the seventh most unequal country in the world. New Orleans, on the other hand, had a Gini Coefficient similar to Zambia, one of the most impoverished countries in the world. In fact, these two cities are more unequal that the whole of the United States! So why is it like this? Well, the article explained that budget cuts in relation to public works (ex. police and fire departments), transportation, infrastructure, education and cost of living contributes to these numbers. To put it into perspective, the cost of a two bedroom apartment in New Orleans would need at least a $38,000 annual wage to afford. Unfortunately, the average income of New Orleans' residents only earn $22,000 a year. So, what do you think would help these cities lower their inequality?

This picture illustrates the levels of poverty in the city of Atlanta, GA. The dark red ares show the places of high poverty.

- Sophie F.


  1. What would curb these inequalities? In my opinion, an end to government corruption especially on the local and state levels so that the much needed monetary funds could be provided to improve these public goods and services for ALL. Many people believe that the US is one of the richest countries around the globe. If this is the case, then why would two of its most popular cities share the same levels of socio-economic disparities as that of poorer countries. Something is definitely wrong with this dynamic.

    1. We completely support your statement. The article that we had read in class goes into detail about the reasons for these inequalities (all of which is summed up above), but it gave no concrete answer on how to curb these inequalities. What you suggested is plausible; however, it would be difficult for everyone to reach this same understanding of the situation in order to improve it. Let us know if you'd like the link to this article!
