Sunday, January 25, 2015

Creativity Action Service

Musical Therapy 

Hello Everyone! 

     Giselle and I have recently been working on our musical therapy CAS project. From the last time we updated y'all we had a number of things to complete. We have been trying to go through the process of volunteering in a hospital but its quite long. I think because of all our other work we have made it even longer! We need to really focus on this in order to get it done and start playing.
      So far we went to the Baton Rouge General and got our tuberculosis test done. It was a very strange procedure. They inject something in your forearm that makes you get a little bump that resembles a mosquito bite. In the next 24 to 48 hours it should go away. However according to the nurse a lot can happen in 48 hours. Then after 2 days you go back to get your results read. You might think this process will take some time. In actuality, it only took about 2 min. The nurse literally felt our forearm for a bump. Once realizing that there was none she signed a paper and that was it. It was extremely fast! Giselle and I will go back on Monday to get our second TB test done. We will follow the same procedure next week.

      Once completing our lab work we must go to a volunteer orientation and then we can finally start playing in the hospital. On the bright side of our volunteer preparation taking a long time we have taken advantage of this time by practicing. We now feel more prepared and feel like our repertoire sound even better! We hope to start actually performing by mid February. Thanks for reading! 

- Melissa S.

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