Sunday, January 25, 2015

HL English - Language and Literature

Analyzing an Advertisement

Hey Everyone!

     If you're like me and you have trouble analyzing the aspects of an advertisement, whether it be for a school project or out of boredom, fret no more! In our English class, we are perfecting the art of analyzing an advertisement and commenting on all of it's qualities. The following are some examples of questions I ask myself to help me get started:

  1. What is the general mood of the advertisement?
  2. What kinds of emotions is the advertisement trying to generate from its audience?
  3. What is the design of the advertisement?
  4. What is the use of space in this advertisement?
  5. Are there any signs or symbols that are significant within this advertisement?
  6. Are there any people in the advertisement? Is there a focus on a specific gender or racial group? What can be said of their facial expressions/body language/hairstyle etc.?
  7. What is the theme of this advertisement?
  8. What type of language is used in the advertisement?
  9. What is the font of the words within the advertisement?
  10. What role does the item being advertised play in society?
  11. What is the angle of the photograph, if any? 
  12. Is there a contrast of color? If so, why is this contrast significant?
  13. Is the photograph focused on a particular area or are there any highlights/shadows?
  14. Are there any implications of racial/gender stereotypes?
  15. What is the general audience for this advertisement?
  16. What message is being portrayed?
  17. What sociological, economical, or political views attitudes are being indirectly reflected in this advertisement?

Here is a fun little advertisement to refine your skills with!

I hope this helps get you started! Happy analyzing :)

- Sophie F. 

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