Thursday, February 26, 2015

HL Visual Arts


Hey y'all!

     Jordyn and I's first exhibition is coming up! We are the only two IBDP Visual Arts HL students so we decided to do our exhibitor together, but separately in some ways. My theme is body language in which I have sketched bodies in peculiar positions that intrigue me. Although here is the twist: each peculiar body position I sketched conveys an emotion or body language. Jordyn's theme is the symbolic and cultural meaning of colors in which she has a collection of twelve lady's of culture with symbolic outfits and colors for each; I have a collection of eight artworks myself. To sync our ideas together, I have water colored the boarders of my artworks with symbolic colors for the emotions or body language I used; Jordyn has drawn people in symbolic positions. The exhibition hasn't gone up yet, but when it does I will put a picture on here for y'all to see. I think it will be great overall! Also, we had to create a vessel to go with our theme. A vessel is like a mini sculpture of something that can hold something. For example: a water fountain that sits in courtyards could be called a vessel, or a flower vase. Jordyn has cut open a globe and is pasting pictures that represent different cultures on the outside, and she's doing something with barbie doll heads in the inside. I would tell you but it's a surprise! Although my vessel is a heart. I used clay to replicate a human heart, which stands emotions (which is mostly what my theme about). In the center of the heart is a hole in which I will place a dead flower in. C'EST ARTSY!

Here's a pic of my vessel:

- Felicinda J.

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