Sunday, March 22, 2015


Chinese Novel 

Hello everyone! 

     I hope you guys have all been doing great! I know those IB exams are getting closer and closer everyday, so I just want to wish you all the best of luck! To get your minds off of stressful events I would like to share with you guys what I've been doing in Chinese class. 

     Throughout these past few weeks we started reading a novel in Chinese. Each week we get a number of pages assigned to read and we have to translate them and understand what they are talking about. So far this has been a challenge! The most difficult part is figuring out if the word has 2 or more characters. Trying to figure out which meaning of the word they are talking about by just the tone is also quite difficult. However, the story is really interesting so far. It's about a boy and a girl who are very similar; they live in the same building but have never met. The girl always goes right and the boy always goes left. It's funny because they live in the same place and are practically neighbors but they have never seen each other! They both love animals and have an interesting hobby. This week we learned that they finally met! They spent an afternoon together and fell in love! It was love at first sight! They gave each other their phone numbers but it started raining so the numbers got smeared...So, they couldn't call each other :( I'll let you guys know what happens next! 

     I hope you guys have an excellent weekend! Good luck!! 

-Melissa S. 

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