Saturday, March 14, 2015

Creativity Action Service

Gym Coaching Update

Hi Everyone!

    This week I thought I'd share the progress of one of my CAS activities with you all! In case you didn't know, I teach  gymnastics to kids ages 5-7 every Saturday. Since I've been a gymnast for over 13 years, I am able to use the knowledge I have acquired from the sport to teach the girls.  From the last time I wrote about this project of mine, my class has grown considerably larger. I now have a group of 9 girls in my class, and two more are expected to join. Now that I have to teach so many girls at one time, I have watched several videos on different exercises that the girls could do to learn new skills. That way, I don't have to be watching them individually all of the time. I really enjoying this CAS project because it has allowed me to apply everything that I admire in my own coaches to my own teaching style! I also have a lot more respect for the effort and patience that goes into teaching gymnastics. Below is a picture of me helping some of the girls do chin-ups on the Uneven Bars to strengthen their upper body:

Let me know if you have any questions! 

- Sophie F.

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