Sunday, March 15, 2015

HL Spanish

"La Guerra de los Mundos"

Hey guys!

     This past week in Spanish class, Melissa and I have been spending time reading the first few chapters of the book "La Guerra de los Mundos".  Since our teacher has been sick (get well soon), we plan on answering questions about the chapters on Monday.

     Written by H. G. Wells, the book tells the story of mans experience during an invasion of the earth by extraterrestrials. So far, the main character has witnessed a UFO landing and the first deaths caused by the Martians.

     Anyway, since we're HL students, this novel will become one of the two readings that are required! I must say, it's strange to be reading a science fiction novel as DP literature. It will definitely make future essays more interesting...

-Giselle D.

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