Saturday, March 7, 2015


My Bird
Hey y'all!

     Lately I've been worried about my bird, Poncho. I've been doing some research on him and his behavior. From what I have gathered, observed, and researched, my bird is possibly under stress. Poncho is a yellow nape Amazon bird. He is very smart and friendly (most of the time), but lately he's been secluding himself in his cage. I try to pet him and talk to him, but he acts as if I might hurt him. So I did some research on my bird and, from what I've gathered in my findings, he possibly under stress. I recognize that my bird is mainly stressed out because he is bored, and it makes complete sense if that is the reason. So I began to research ways in which I can lift his mood. I now give him different foods instead of the same ole' mix that he gets every day, play him music, change his surroundings a little for him, and most of all, give him more attention. I will admit that I haven't been giving him much attention lately because of school, but I will fit Poncho into my schedule because he's worth it to me. He's my little-best buddy! I was also thinking of buying a type of harness for him so I can take him out more often. Do y'all have any other suggestions or ideas that I can use for my pretty bird (that's what I mostly call him)? 

Here's a picture of Poncho:
- Felicinda J.

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