Monday, April 27, 2015

HL Biology

Biology MOCKS 

Hello everyone! 

     Who's excited for their upcoming mocks?!?!?!?!?! I know we are! I don't know about y'all but all we have been doing this last week is studying like crazy for our mocks next week. I hope you guys have been doing the same! Our teachers were kind enough to let us spend some of our class time reviewing and asking questions about our mock exams. This has helped a lot because I now feel more prepared for what is to come. I also feel as though for some subjects the best studying for me is done in class. Even though they are just mock exams we still get pretty nervous about them, so we hope to do the best that we can.

     I hope you guys are all doing just dandy since the last time we spoke! Our biology teacher told us that we need to know a couple of diagrams for our exams. He said that we should be able to recognize, label and draw some of them. The thing is, he didn't say which ones so we kinda have to memorize most of them. Therefore, this week in Biology, we have been working on practicing some diagrams. We have been working on heart diagrams and digestive system diagrams, among others. In preparation for our mocks I have been watching biology YouTube videos to help me study. I don't know about y'all but sometimes I find it boring reading my notes over and over again and I lose concentration easily. That's why I have been watching some Crash Course Biology videos to help me stay concentrated while studying. The Crash Course Biology channel on YouTube talks about many things; therefore, I only watch the ones that I have already learned about in class. However, even though watching videos is helpful, I don't recommend to make this your only way of studying. The videos could easily miss some topics you need to know - so go over your notes every now and then.

     Well, I wish everyone the best of lucks on any upcoming exams. Most importantly don't forget to chill before the exam. One thing that I have learned from taking previous exams is that I tend to perform better when I have relaxed the night before. Try not to cram extra studying time in, try to get a good nights sleep before the exam, and have a healthy breakfast the morning of the exam. I know these exams are stressful but try to calm yourself down and not make it hard for yourself. Remember: mind over matter!

Thanks for reading!

-Melissa S.

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