Monday, April 20, 2015

SL Geography

   Fieldwork Investigation

Here is an image of the geography book we used to help us on our fieldwork:

Hello everyone! 

      As you guys may know, our field work is about migrant workers in the educational field. Our field work question is "what factors affect the length of time spent by a temporary migrant worker within the educational field in Baton Rouge?". In order to find the answer to our question, we interviewed migrant workers and passed out surveys with questions that would give us the information we needed. 

   This past week we finally completed all of our surveys and interviews. We even converted our data to electronic copies so that it could be of easy access to everyone! I believe it is now time for us to go our separate ways. 

    We should now start analyzing our findings and interpreting our data. It's been great working with my peers and I think we've done a great job at collecting this data. From here on out we're on our own and should be starting to write our first draft. I wish my classmates good luck and everyone else that's in the same position!

Thanks for reading! 

-Melissa S. 

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