Saturday, April 25, 2015

Useful Links

Hey y'all,

     So how is everything going for you individuals? For us 11th grade girls, it has been very busy lately because we have Mock Exams the following week - so we have been studying like crazy. Overall, everything is okay. Today I wanted to introduce you to another very cool app that our Librarian, Ms. Jenna, showed to us. I think it is a great app for book lovers.

     OverDrive is an American DIGITAL distributor of eBooks, audiobooks, videos, and more from your local libraries. The only thing you need is a library card. There are millions of books, thousands of libraries and this one app that can give you an opportunity to download a book (or whatever you desire to check out from the library) to your electronic device. The coolest part is that when your time is up with the book and it is time to "check it back in", the book will automatically erase from your device! So there is no need to worry about bringing the book back to the library. You can get the OverDrive App for you iOS, Android, Chromebook, Mac OS, Windows, and Windows phone. Now, I understand that having the physical copy of a book feels better than the digital, but this app can and will come in handy for various things, such as research papers! I recommend this app, and you know what else????? IT IS FREE!!! Who does not like free - free is awesome! We are all peacocks in this world trying to fly. Go and get the app, por favor :)

Here are some pics:

- Felicinda J.

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