Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Useful Links

An Easy Way To Organize Yourself

Hey Everyone!

     As you may have read in our previous blog post, we have recently finished our IB Mock Exams for all courses! I knew this round of testing would be a tricky one...the time constraints were strict, black or blue pen had to be used, the desks had to be exactly 1 meter from each other - the whole nine yards.  As soon as the time felt right, I forced (yes, forced) myself to sit down and create a study schedule for myself. That way, I would not easily get side-tracked from what needed to get done. I started by listing all of the subjects I take. After doing so, I wrote down each chapter, topic or theme that corresponded to it so that I would know exactly what to study. I then estimated how long I thought it would take me to revise each chapter/topic/theme. After making it simpler for myself, I then created a crazy schedule. I planned each day of the week (during Spring Break) down to the last minute! Here's a snippet of what I did on Monday, for example:

     As you can see, my schedule left me very little free time. But what kept me going was the fact that once Mocks were over, I would have the satisfaction of knowing I did everything in my power to do well, and that I could relax for the rest of the year! With that mind set, studying seemed very worth it to me. 

     Now, a lot of you guys may not wish to plan out your schedule by yourself on an Excel Spreadsheet. That was one of many ways that I thought would be most productive for myself. This is where the Useful Links portion of the blog post comes in. I found a website that would work great  for those of you who prefer to stay organized in a more technological manner. The website is called myschoolbinder.com. From the title of the website you can probably tell that it is an online version of your school/homework planner. By creating a free account for yourself, you can use and access your own personalized calendar to keep track of due dates, study schedules and more. Even better, you can send yourself reminders of what you have to do each day. This is perfect for our 21st century audience who sees little use of ink and feathers nowadays - this website is completely digital. 

     I hope this helps any of you who were looking for ways to stay focused during exams week. This definitely did it for me, and it paid off as well :)

Thanks for reading!

- Sophie F.

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