Saturday, January 31, 2015

Theory of Knowledge

Natural Science 

Hello everyone! 

      Throughout our TOK unit of Natual Science we have done many things. We watched "Elegant Universe" which was discussed in a previous post. Now we're working on the chapter in our book about natural sciences. In our text book we are introduced to this chapter by quotes from recognized individuals. My favorite quotes from the book are; "Science is a long history of learning how not to fool ourselves" by Richard Feynman, and "Science is a way of describing reality; it is therefore limited by the limits of observation, and it asserts nothing which is outside observation."

      So far what I've enjoyed learning about the most is Science and pseudo-science. Science includes physics, chemistry and biology. The word "Science" is like a stamp of approval or guarantee of quality. In fact it has such a heavy connotation that some advertisers describe their products as "scientific" in order to deceive gullible people. Many things have been described as "scientific" such as; Acupuncture, Astrology, Creationism, Crystology, Feng shui, Graphology, Homeopathy, and Phrenology. These beliefs or techniques are known as pseudo-science, AKA fake science.

     The difference between science and pseudo-science is that scientific hypotheses are testable. In pseudo-science their hypotheses are often not testable. These hypotheses are not testable because they are often vague and ad hoc exceptions. In actual science they're hypotheses are often clear stated and makes precise rather than vague predictions. They also do not keep making ad hoc exceptions when they come across as counter-examples.  

- Melissa S.

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