Friday, February 20, 2015

Creativity Action Service

Habitat for Humanity

Hey guys!

     On Wednesday we started an exciting CAS project of ours: Habitat for Humanity. Giselle wrote a blog post about this project a few weeks ago, so you can go look that up to refresh your memory! Basically, we will be working with an organization to build houses for those in need. We got to the site of the build early Wednesday morning (around 7:45) and got briefed on precautionary measures that we had to follow. After that, we were tasked to cut boards that would be installed in the attic to keep insulation in! That didn't take us very long, so when we were done we went to get a  new assignment. Our next task was to install panels on the side of the house. This was called siding, In order to do so, we had to measure each panel to the appropriate size, cut it according to our measurements, and nail it to the wall. Although this wasn't my first time using a hammer, it got very tiring towards the end of the day because I had been using it non-stop. After one blister, a few bruises and very muddy jeans, we had finished one wall! We weren't the fastest workers, but we made sure to be very precise. It is someone's house, after all. Below you will find a picture of me cutting the panels:

- Sophie F.

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