Monday, February 16, 2015

HL Biology

What's For Dinner?

Hey everyone!

     Recently in Biology, we have been studying ecosystems. As a side project to improve our knowledge on the subject, we were told to create an informative brochure on a food chain of our choice. We decided to work in pairs to get this project done. I worked with Giselle for this brochure, and together we came up with a cute, informative pamphlet!

Here is a little snippet of it:

     For those of you who are making a brochure yourself, or will probably do so in the future, keep the following in mind to make your brochure as attractive and informative as possible!

1. Have a catchy phrase for your title, so that it will draw attention to your brochure! Let's face it, no one wants to read something titled, "The History of Quantum Physics".

2. Choose a theme. This will help your brochure be organized and coherent!

3. Treat your brochure like a PowerPoint. Avoid having too much information on one section, because then people might miss the important details!

4. Always back up your information with a photograph or graphic design. This will help people retain the information of your brochure. Plus, they'll have more fun reading it!

     Hopefully those four tips will help you get started with creating an informative brochure. If you do happen to use these tips to recreate a brochure of your own, e-mail us pictures!

- Sophie F.

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