Sunday, February 8, 2015

HL French

"Les Drogues"


     In French class these past few weeks, we have been learning about drugs. We have learned what drugs are and the ways in which people use them. During our latest class, we learned why people drug themselves, the different forms of drugs, how your body and mind become dependent on it, the effects it has on your body, the effects they have on your social life and how to stop using them. Throughout these past few weeks we have also been learning about the legal status of drugs in different places around the world. Because legalizing marijuana has been such a resent controversial topic, we have been studying the pros and cons of this idea. We have also learned that in some countries drugs are considered illegal but this law is not practiced. If you are caught with a little substance of drugs then your punishment won't be as severe. In some countries such as Uruguay, the  commercialism of drugs is now legal as it is a great investment in their economy. In class, we have mostly been focusing on marijuana. During our last class, we saw a commercial in French about drinking and driving. In the commercial, they advise people to have a designated driver when you know that you're going to be with people that drink. So far, we have only seen one commercial but I think that next week we will see more. Below is an image of one of the handouts we got in class. This handout summarizes everything that we have learned so far.  

Thanks for reading!!!:) 

-Melissa S. 

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