Sunday, February 8, 2015



Hey y'all!

      So, I am assuming because of the bipolar weather we receive here down in the south is the possible reason for my current problem. But not entirely. You see, the problem I am having is that my nails keep peeling off. I do not bite them anymore (getting braces stopped that habit for me and even after getting them off I did not fall back into this habit), and I do not really do any activities that involve risking my nails...well at least I think I don't. They're just peeling off in layers randomly. Today, I write this post for any and everyone who may have the same difficulty. I am SO annoyed with this. My nails will be all nice and long and healthy then all of a sudden, a SUPER thick layer of the nail just comes off like graphite off of a pencil to paper. "WHY YOU DO THIS TO ME PRETTY NAIL!?" Well, to help me understand this problem I am having, I decided to look it up on Google, and you know I have some answers because Google 'knows it all'. According to, this problem could be caused by too much moisture such as constantly washing your hands or dishes. Now, the site does say that applying lotion will help but I apply lotion to my skin 24/7 because I love the feel of soft skin - so that is not a problem for me. Although, I do wash dishes because that's the chore I have agreed to keep up with in the house. I just don't think moisture may be the cause though. The site also says that it could be caused by an iron deficiency. I started taking 27mg of iron pills a day to see if it may help, and I'm just waiting for the results. Another site,, says that the peeling of nail could be caused by the changing seasons. BINGO! I am going to totally blame the bipolar weather for my nail condition, plus I am going to take more vitamins to better the problem.

- Felicinda J.

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