Monday, February 16, 2015


Spanish Convention 

Hello everyone, 

     I hope you all are doing great! I would like to share with y'all my experience at this years Spanish Convention. BRIS attended this years convention with 8 representatives: 6 kids from 8th grade, 1 from 9th and 1 from 11th. We, along with Ms. Ghedy (our Spanish teacher), spent the weekend at the Holiday Inn Hotel and participated in several different competitions. We participated in the spelling bee, quiz bowl, narrative, placement test, oral communication, skit, banner, creative writing, and video competitions. The quiz bowl is a competition about cultural, historical, and geographical elements of a Spanish speaking country. The narrative this year was to present a poem to one of the judges in Spanish. The placement test was a test to see what level Spanish we we're placed in. Throughout the convention we all had to work together to create a banner representing this years theme: "Quienes somos?" Our video had to also represent this years theme.

     The way that the convention is organized is that it is divided into different levels so that we aren't competing against someone at a high level and against someone that is at our same level. Some of the competitions are as a club and others are individual. At the Spanish convention we get the opportunity to meet other students from around the state and interact with other kids our age. We are also able to expand our team building skills with the group competitions. Most importantly we have the opportunity to finally use our languages outside of school and talk to other students that are learning the same language as us. It was a lot of fun and I truly enjoyed it. We don't only spend time competing but we also get the chance to socialize with other students and make new friends. We do different activities such as cooking and zumba classes. Even though our schedules are pretty packed, we still manage to throw in a dance where we learn some Spanish dances, such as the salsa, bachata, and merenge.        

     This years convention was a lot of fun! We won first place in the native placement test, second place in the level 2 placement test, and third place in the level 3 placement test. We also won first place in the spelling bee, first place in the narrative competition, third place in the oral communication competition for level 2 and first place for our video. One of our students even got elected to be a delegate for next year's Spanish Convention! We want to congratulate all the participants! Way to go!

Here's a picture of the awards we won and our pinata:  

Here is a picture of the banner we made:

Thanks for reading!

-Melissa S.

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