Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Creativity Action Service

Soccer Coaching 

Hello everyone!

    I hope everyone is doing great since last week. As another CAS project I have decided to volunteer as an assent coach at my school. I'm currently helping with U-4 and will soon start helping with U-6.

    I've played competitive soccer for about 8 years, but I had never coached before. From past volunteering experiences I gained an understanding of what it was like to work with 4 - 5 year olds. However, a classroom environment is a lot different than when you're out on the field. Coaching little kids has been a lot of fun so far. Since they're still learning, it's always a challenge to explain activities. You never know what they know and what they don't know. On the other hand because you might be the first one to introduce them to a particular thing you should make sure your showing them the correct way. Otherwise, they will learn it the wrong way and in the future would have to be corrected.

    Coaching little kids is always interesting because they come up with crazy, random things. Instead of using cones as boundaries they turn them into targets. They go around picking flowers and at the end of practice give you a bouquet. In search for their own ball they get their hair stuck in the goal's net. They get uncomfortably close to your face when you tell them to listen and they try to balance on their ball when you ask them to put one foot on it. At the end, they close practice with high fives and hugs. I'm truly enjoying coaching these little kids and I hope you guys will try something something like this too. The image above is what your typical coach would carry around, however if you coach little kids all you need is a ball, some cleats and a loud voice!

Thanks for reading!

-Melissa S.

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