Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Our Field Trip to the Library

Hi Everyone!

     About a week ago, our school librarian organized a field trip to our local library for us. The goal of this field trip was to help us navigate the library and be more efficient when finding sources for our future research papers! I have to say - before I went on this field trip I was not too fond of libraries. I always had an image of it being too quiet and a little bit intimidating, to be honest. Well, the library is still a quiet place; but, it turns out that it's just what I need!

     We first visited our local library. It had recently been re-modeled. It now has an extremely modern interior design, with plenty of areas to study quietly with books and computers. You're even allowed to bring small snacks with you! We were given a tour of the library and a brief tutorial on how to use their database. As soon as I learned how, I immediately searched up books for my upcoming Extended Essay. I already checked out an excellent book that will be a great source for my paper! We were also able to see a 3D printer in action. It was amazing to watch how a picture of a small figurine could (not-so)easily become lifelike with a few strands of plastic! Below you will find a picture of my favorite figurine, Kim Jong-un!

     Next, we visited the libraries at our local state university. Once we got on campus, we re-fueled at the Student Union by having a nice lunch, Apparently everyone had the same idea, because the food court was PACKED! It did give us a little taste of college life though :) After lunch, we were again given a tour of the libraries and a short tutorial on how to use their database. The libraries at the university were very impressive - they even had one dedicated to historical archives!!

     Looking back, I can say that I am very excited to go to the library to make the most of its resources and find some quiet time once in a while. For those of you who are a little intimidated like I was at first, I would highly recommend taking a tour. The library is a great place to get in the mood for studying and it has more capabilities than you could possibly imagine.

Happy reading!

- Sophie F.

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