Tuesday, March 31, 2015

HL Biology

Sexual Reproduction 

Hey y'all!

     Well, I honestly have to say (and I speak for the other girls too) we are learning something that is a little awkward in Biology class right now: sexual reproduction. Although I used the title above to catch your eye, sexual reproduction is not the main thing we are focusing on. We are basically learning about the human body and how it works so we know how to take care of ourselves appropriately. It is a bit weird, but everyone has to know this because it is important. You must know your body and how it operates in order to properly take care of yourself because if you do not, then you will be an unhealthy being. We have just started studying this topic in Biology, but by far we have learned about the functions of the body from head-to-toe. Currently, we are learning about the menstrual cycle and the different hormones a female produces during this cycle.

Here is a diagram that basically sums up a few things:

(Click on the image to enlarge)

How about a quick lesson?

     A menstrual cycle occurs every 28 days and lasts for about 7 days, but for some females it will be different because not everyone is the same. This means that some females will have an irregular period that persists longer or shorter than the norm. Now, to the right side of the diagram you literally see a vagina. The diagram labels the different things that a vagina consists of such as the ovaries, the entrance of the vagina, the Fallopian tube, the uterus, and the endometrium - all of these things makes a vagina. Furthermore, to the left of the diagram you are given the different stages that a vagina goes through and which hormones are produced. Now, you have learned something about the vagina that you may or may not have known!

- Felicinda J.

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