Saturday, April 11, 2015


The Color Run

Hello everyone!

The image below is a picture of The Color Run!

    This past Saturday, during Spring Break, I ran a 5k in downtown Baton Rouge. This was a first for me because I'm not much of a runner. I only run when I play or practice soccer. I'm not the type that runs for pleasure. I used to think that running on a treadmill was boring because you're staying in one location and that running around a track was also boring because it was the same body movement, same idea, same activity. However, ever since some of my friends and I were interested in attending the Color Run this year,  my feelings towards running have changed. I now see it as a relaxing activity that I can do anywhere and at anytime. Before this experience the only activity that I had encountered that relaxed me was playing soccer with friends. As you get older, committing to one sport becomes harder and harder if it isn't a priority to you.

    We ran the 5k Color Run and had a blast doing so. We never thought running could be so much fun! It is honestly the happiest 5k on the planet! The best part is that you don't have to be an experienced runner in order to participate in the Color Run. I thought that everyone would be super experienced runners and I would die because I'm not. In reality, that's a misconception! There were people that were experienced runners but there were also people that walked the journey. It's a family event so there were even little kids giving it a try! So, don't let the fact that you don't run stop you from attending the Color Run, or any other 5k for that matter.

-Melissa S.

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