Saturday, April 18, 2015

SL French



     I hope everyone is doing well! This past week in French class, we took a test to see how well we knew our connectors. Connectors are words used to join words or sentences. Knowing a wide range of connectors will help your writing be more coherent, enjoyable to read, and easier to grasp! I would definitely recommend studying up on multiple connectors for whatever language you are learning. Below is a list of the connectors that we had to know for the test, as well as their English translation. Try and test yourself!

En effet: indeed
Au dessous d': underneath
Puisque: since
Car: because
Tout d'abord: first of all
En suite: next
Cette a dire: this is to say
Quelque part: somewhere
Partout: everywhere
D'une part: on one hand
D'autre part: on the other hand
Toutefois: however
Au contraire: on the contrary
Enfin: finally
Apres que: after
Actuellement: currently
Si non: if not
Pour que: so that
Alors que: whereas
Pourvu que: provided that
Bien que: although
Pourtant: however
Malgre: in spite
Comme: such as, like
Autrefois: in the past
De nos jours: nowadays
De plus: moreover
Au tour de: around
Au bout de: at the end of
Etant donne que: given that
Meme si: even if
D'ailleurs: by the way
Grace a: thanks to
Sauf: except
Neanmoins: nevertheless
Donc: so
Selon: according to
Ainsi: so
Au moment ou: the moment when
Depuis: since
Cependant: however

     I've memorized these so well that I didn't even have to look up the English translations whenever I was typing them up . I knew them by heart! I would recommend using flash cards to study these connectors, as that was the method I used to learn them. 

Good Luck!

- Sophie F.


  1. Thanks for these, except I'm pretty sure "neanmoins" = "nevertheless"

    1. Thanks for pointing that out! We fixed it :) Seems like you know your connectors very well...bravo!!
