Saturday, April 4, 2015

SL Spanish

Como Agua Para Chocolate

Hey y'all

     So in my SL Spanish class I have been reading a book (in Spanish of course) called Como Agua Para Chocolate, by Laura Esquivel. By far the book is great and I could not put it down, so I finished it sooner than I should. The story follows a young girl named Tita who grew up in Mexico (by the way the novel takes place during the Mexican Revolution) with two other sisters and her mother. It was a very traditional time (and I'm not saying it is not traditional now, it is just a crazy traditional time that the novel is set in). One day, a guy named Pedro came along to ask Mama Elena (Tita's mother) for Tita's hand in marriage, but Mama Elena refused (need I say that Mama Elena was also crazy-psycho strict and nothing could slip pass her. Not even a bug). It was tradition, according to Mama Elena, that the youngest daughter must take care of the mother until the day the mother is dead. So to speak, it was Tita's luck to have the job (ahaha, I'm just kidding - Tita disliked every moment of what she had to do). Furthermore, Mama Elena offered Pedro her other daughter, Rosaura, to marry. Out of his eternal love for Tita, Pedro married Rosaura just so he could stay close to Tita. Of course this broke Tita's heart but soon enough Pedro informed her of his plan to stay close to his beloved lady. The novel goes on a roller coaster, from start to finish, and I refuse to tell you more detail because I think you should read it and if you do not read it then I am very upset with you little human. Moreover, I will say that at the end Tita and Pedro finally got the opportunity to share their love with and for each other, with not problem or interference from anyone. But that is not all - so you have to read the book to find out. Como Agua Para Chocolate has become one of my all time favorites and I highly recommend you read the book. *By the way, you do not have to read the book in Spanish, you can certainly get or find a copy in English or in the language of your choice.

Pic of what the book:


- Felicinda J. 

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