Saturday, April 4, 2015

Useful Links

Twitter Accounts

Hey guys!

     Today, I'm going to break the tradition of talking about useful websites, and discuss a few of my favorite social media accounts. In this blog post, I'll bring to light something you've probably never heard of: Twitter! Just kidding...with over 288 million users, it's an extremely popular platform. I never used to be a fan of Twitter, but I recently revived my account. After unfollowing a number of embarrassing accounts that I was once interested back in 2012, I followed accounts that would help keep me updated in certain areas. So, without further ado, here is a list of my favorite twitter accounts to date (PS this post was not endorsed):

1. The Economist (@TheEconomist) 

With over 7.9 million followers, The Economist delivers news and analysis with a global perspective. Almost every single tweet has a picture attached, which is great for drawing attention. The reason why I love The Economist is because it delivers news in a fashion that makes it easy to comprehend. I am in no way a professional in Economics - which is why this Twitter handle is so great.

2. BBC Breaking News (@BBCBreaking)

This account has over 14.3 million followers. BBC Breaking News is one of my favorite accounts because it's one of the few that I've stumbled across that filters out old news and only posts about pressing global issues and news stories. Also, they rarely post about the same issue twice. This is why I love reading their tweets - once I see the account name I automatically know it's something important and worth reading.

3. Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline)

Daily Mail Online doesn't quite rank with the previous two in terms of followers, as it only has 917 thousand. However, I enjoy this Twitter account because it manages to find a happy medium between posting tweets about important global news and slightly irrelevant (yet just as fascinating) stories. It's not as gossip-filled as other Twitter accounts out there, which is why I prefer it.

4. Ask A Doctor (@DailyHealthTips)

This Twitter account is all about health. I enjoy reading it's tweets because they always contain facts or information about topics I never knew about. They write about the danger and health risks of certain foods, the different ways you could use each type of food, and how to stay healthy and maintain a positive attitude on a daily basis. 2.2 million people seem to agree with me!

5. Student Problems (@ProblemsAtUni)

This last account, with 160 thousand followers, is probably my favorite. As you may have guessed from their Twitter handle, the account tweets about the various problems that you might run in to as a student. Their tweets are oddly easy to relate to and are extremely funny to read!

     Those 5 accounts are only a handful of Twitter accounts that take up my news feed. It was hard to pick and choose between my most favorites, but these 5 are definetly the ones I would recommend to you all! I've just started out on this social media platform, so I am nowhere near being an expert. If you have any recommendations of your own, please share them in the comments below!

- Sophie F.

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