Saturday, May 9, 2015

SL English Language and Literature

The Manslater

Hello Everyone! 

Who needs a manslater?! Just pay attention!!!! 

    I hope you guys are all surviving IB exams or did well on your mocks! For first year DP students like us, our mock exams were last week. It was quite an experience and we can't wait to get our results. Friendly advice: when getting back your mock results don't forget they are just mocks and you're not expected to get 100% on all of them!! 

     After a week of mocks, to get back into the normal school schedule, our SL English teacher showed us a funny commercial that relates to language and gender. For mocks our class shared a Google drive folder with each other that contained our notes on the handouts and different things we've done throughout the class. Our teacher did the same thing and we compared our resources. After going over both lists we realized there were some things that he had that we didn't. Therefore we decided to check them out. 

     One of them related to gender and language. More specifically it related to the language used between women and men during their everyday conversations. This was a video of a commercial promoting a translator for men to help them understand the language of women. Apparently we're hard to understand! I found it quite humorous to see what women actually mean when they speak. While you're watching this try and see which one's are most accurate to you. I know for me there were a couple that I could relate to! Please enjoy the commercial below!

- Melissa S.

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