Monday, May 18, 2015

HL French

"Bonjour Tristesse" 

Hello everyone!

Here's an image of the cover of the book. 

      This year, in our HL French Literature class, one of the books we read was "Bonjour Tristesse"(English translation: "Hello Sadness"). I know what you guys are thinking! "Hello Sadness"? This title seems to be a little depressing and sentimental.

      Before I give y'all my opinion on the book I'll tell you more about the story. The main character's name is Cecile. Her mother died when she was a kid and we don't know much about her. She then lived with her father, Raymond, who sent her to boarding school in order to complete her education. After boarding school, she returned home. Anne, one of her mom's best friends, took care of her. She only took care of Cecile for a while. The plot of the book takes place during the summer at a beach house. They spent the entire summer at their beach house where Cecile met Cyril, her boyfriend. Raymond was an easy going dad and saw Cecile as his accomplice. He was a player and had short relationships with younger women. He even brought along his girlfriend Elsa with them on their beach trip.
     During the summer Anne goes and gives them a visit. Then, Elsa and Raymond break up. After some time Raymond and Anne start dating. Cecile is completely against this because she doesn't want Anne to change the easy going life she's had with her dad. Anne is a successful fashion designer. She has a dry personality and is indifferent towards many things. Cecile believes that because Anne lives such an organized and routinely life, her life would become similar if Anne were to marry Raymond. Therefore, Cecile comes up with a perfect plan to separate her dad and Anne.

       At the beginning this book was interesting, but nothing special. It started growing on me towards the end, though. Now it is one of my favorites! It talks about a teenager being afraid of change and wanting to stop it. Most importantly it reminds me that no matter what it may seem like we are all human beings with emotions and feelings that deserve respect. If you guys ever get a chance this is definitely worth reading!  Have a good day!

-Melissa S.

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