Monday, May 18, 2015

Theory of Knowledge

How Architecture is Related to Art
Hey y'all,

     So recently in our TOK class (right before our mock exams) we gave presentations to conclude the Arts unit. My presentation was about "how architecture is art".  To begin my presentation, I defined the two key terms: architecture and art. 

Moreover, I discussed the perception that most people have of architecture when comparing it to art.

I then dug deeper to show how architecture can also be art by giving examples of architectural structures.

     To conclude my presentation, I answered the question posed earlier, "How is architecture art?" I stated that architecture is usually visually satisfying and beautiful. The study of architecture is mostly centered around design (unless you decide to go overseas where it is most likely to be more math based, like in Italy) and with this fact it means that the architect basically has to take the role of an artist to create something attractive and innovative. In addition, with the modern world we live in today, art and design are quickly entering into advanced forms of architecture, not just paintings and textiles. 

I hope that opened changed your perspective of how architecture relates to art!

- Felicinda J.

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