Saturday, May 30, 2015

HL Spanish

Invasion Gangster

Hello everyone! 

     We previously completed a comic book story in Spanish class. Our task was to write a story representing some of the challenges you face when moving to a new country. We were set to recreate the moment shared between Christopher Columbus and the native Americans when he first arrived in the New World. Giselle and I found this a bit boring. Instead, we asked if we could do other characters with the same story line. 

       We created the story of a gangster invasion. Our main characters were 3 little birds that lived in a tree. They thought that this tree was the only tree around and that they were the only birds left. They called this tree a "community". One day, they received a visit from some gangster birds from California. These two different birds then face the challenge that every new-comer faces. Naturally, they believe the gangsters are there to take and steal their stuff. In our story, we see how they overcame this stigma by showing that not all new comers want to take other people's things. 

      This story was inspired by the song "Three Little Birds" by Bob Marley. 

Thanks for reading!

-Melissa S.

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