Friday, May 29, 2015

HL Visual Arts

Blue Matrix

Hey y'all,

     I am here to update you on the art section of our blog. So far, art class is going well. I apologize for this topic of the blog not being updated enough. I recently finished a comparative study and put up a new exhibit in the front office of our school for everyone to see. The new exhibition is all photography and the theme of my new exhibition is called "Blue Matrix". I called my exhibit this because one of my favorite movie series of all time (The Matrix) had inspired me to do so. That is because in the Matrix series, the theme color is green. Oddly enough, I wanted to make the theme of my photography exhibition blue. Therefore, every photograph of mine is blue with various of other features. All of my photos are sized 8x10 on 16x20 white sketch paper, and I have a total of 9 pictures. I liked this project because it solely just consisted of taking pictures and manipulating them using a software of my choice. I used -  I recommend you to check it out! So that's what art class has been like for the past few weeks: completing a comparative study and creating a new exhibit. All went well by the way. Now we are just wrapping up the school year and getting ready for summer, which I certainly cannot wait for. One more week of school y' more week.

Here are the pictures that I took for my exhibition:

Blue Hallucinations 

Blue Reflections

Bluey Caged Curiosity 

Blue Harmony

Blue Peasant Fish

Blue Kaleidoscope Eye

Blue Statue Curves

Timmy the Blue Lighted Dog

Sunset in the Blue View

Enjoy my pictures!

- Felicinda J

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